What the NDIS fraud taskforce does to protect participants

Last updated


The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Fraud Taskforce has been given indefinite funding to help participants who come across dodgy providers and stop criminals from taking money from the scheme which could otherwise be used by people with a disability who need support.

Key points:

  • People who are illegally taking advantage of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can be reported to a special taskforce
  • The taskforce’s initial two-year lifespan has been removed and it will now operate permanently because of its success in catching people committing fraud
  • Reports to the taskforce can be made on 1800 650 717 or via email at fraudreporting@ndis.gov.au

The taskforce investigates providers and employees who may be corrupt, misusing funds or not providing the same support as what is funded.

It was originally set up for a period of two years in 2018, but was made permanent because of the number of people it has caught acting illegally and the amount of stolen funds it uncovered.

The taskforce is a partnership between the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), Australian Federal Police, and Services Australia.

What the taskforce has achieved

An example of the action the taskforce has taken is Operation Pegasus, which was conducted from December 2020 to April 2021.

Through the operation, which involved searches at 11 different properties in Western Sydney, six people were arrested for being involved with a criminal organisation, which had been running dishonest providers to claim about $10 million in funding from the NDIS.

What to report

Anyone can report providers or NDIA employees to the taskforce and reports can be made for a range of reasons including:

  • Creating false invoices to obtain funding
  • Not having the right qualifications to provide a service
  • Using NDIS branding to trick participants
  • Charging a participant for more support than is actually provided – for example charging for two hours of cleaning a home when only one hour of cleaning was done
  • Providing support without a participant’s consent
  • Changing the dates support was provided on to be able to charge a weekend rate, even though the support was given on a weekday
  • Claiming for support that is not provided
  • Charging for one-to-one rates but delivering support to a group
  • Using the participant’s personal information inappropriately and without consent
  • Corruption – for example, bribery, selling information, theft of equipment or blackmail
  • Using funds for the wrong purpose
  • Charging too much for travel
  • Providing false or incomplete information for registration or to gain employment – for example claiming to have a qualification that they don’t actually have
  • Trying to influence participants to use services that give the provider benefit
  • Sharing classified agency information

NDIS participants can also be reported to the taskforce for claiming or spending funds, such as:

  • For something which is not a disability support
  • Before an NDIS plan was approved
  • More than once for the same service
  • Services that are covered under Medicare
  • Using false documents

Reports will be recorded by the taskforce team, which investigates all allegations.

​ What to include in a report

The taskforce suggests thinking about these points when making a report:

  • Who are you suspicious of? Is it an NDIS provider, employee or participant?
  • When did the problem happen?
  • What happened and how did you notice the problem?
  • Where did the problem happen?
  • Why are you suspicious of the person or organisation?

This information will assist the taskforce in identifying and investigating the NDIS provider you suspect of engaging in fraud or a misuse of funds.

How to contact the taskforce

NDIS participants who think workers or providers are being dishonest can report them to the taskforce on 1800 650 717.

People who use Speak and Listen services can call 1800 555 727 and ask for the taskforce number above and those who use internet relay can visit the National Relay Service Website and then ask for the taskforce number.

The taskforce can also be emailed at fraudreporting@ndis.gov.au, to make a report or to send documents supporting your report.

You can stay anonymous while making a report.

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Related content:

The complaints process for the NDIS
Working in the disability sector – Qualifications and Experience
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