Fewer than 30 days left to provide feedback on Australia’s Disability Strategy

Posted 1 month ago by Georgie Waters
The Australian Government is seeking public opinion regarding the review of the current disability strategy. [Source: Shutterstock]
The Australian Government is seeking public opinion regarding the review of the current disability strategy. [Source: Shutterstock]

The Department of Social Services encourages all Australians to provide feedback on the current disability strategy

Key points:

Australians have fewer than 30 days to have their say on the review of Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031 to create a more inclusive Australia. 

The Department of Social Services is ‘undertaking a review of Australia’s Disability Strategy in 2024 to make sure it is working as planned’ and if other improvements should be made. 

This follows the government’s recent response to the Disability Royal Commission’s final report.

The Australian Government has created a discussion paper that contains information to inform Australians when submitting their feedback on the current disability strategy.

Multiple formats of the discussion paper are available including a standard, easy-read, low-formatted and an Auslan video and transcript. 

To provide feedback for the review, complete the questionnaire or email your feedback to [email protected]

The guided questionnaire contains questions such as:

  • How could the Australian Government improve the implementation of Australia’s Disability Strategy?
  • How could people with disability be more involved in the implementation of Australia’s Disability Strategy?

Australians are invited to provide feedback by email or the questionnaire until 5pm AEST on September 6, 2024.

Minister for Social Services Amanda Rishworth highlighted the importance of seeking feedback from the community to ensure that the updated strategy will assist people with disability.

“Our government is committed to progressing the recommendations of the Disability Royal Commission and importantly making progress towards a more inclusive and accessible community and society for all,” she said.

“The strategy is a crucial part of improving the lives of people with disability.”

An estimated 18 percent of Australians have disability, as per recent data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

Ms Rishworth also encouraged Australians to provide feedback, regarding the current disability strategy so that improvements can be made to the lives of people with disability. 

“Since the strategy was launched in 2021, we’ve heard ongoing feedback from the disability community,” she said.

“This formal consultation will give all Australians the opportunity to tell us what parts of the strategy are working and what needs to change.

“I encourage all Australians to be part of the conversation to create an inclusive community for a better future.”

Australians with disability, their family, disability organisations and Australians without disability are all encouraged to provide their feedback during this review of Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031

The Australian Government’s recent response to the Disability Royal Commission recommendations indicated possible improvements that will be addressed.

The government stated that it ‘mostly agrees’ with 130 of the recommendations made by the Disability Royal Commission and needs more time before deciding on 36 of the recommendations.

More than $5 billion dollars has been allocated in the latest Federal Budget to improve the lives of people with disability. However, the Australian Government is now investing more in priorities such as:

  • $39.7 million dollars for the establishment of a new disability advocacy program;
  • $227.6 million dollars to create a new specialist disability employment program;
  • $12.3 million dollars to improve accessible information and communication methods e.g. Auslan.

Read more about the government’s response to the Disability Royal Commission report in this article: Australian Government agrees to 13 out of 172 Disability Royal Commission recommendations.

While the Australian Government’s response to the Disability Royal Commission’s final report is a step in the right direction, improving inclusivity in Australia may take time. 

If you or someone you know requires support, free helplines are available, including:

  • the National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline on 1800 880 052; and
  • the Disability Advocacy Support Helpline: 1800 643 787.


What feedback will you give to contribute to the new disability strategy?

Let the team at Talking Disability know on social media. 

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