Ink dries on Australia’s first guide to disability support

Posted 6 years ago by Nicole Pope
DPS staff Nicole Pope, Michelle Beech and Mark Ogden are excited about the launch of the new Guides [Source: DPS]
DPS staff Nicole Pope, Michelle Beech and Mark Ogden are excited about the launch of the new Guides [Source: DPS]

An Australian first publication will change the way Australians with disability and their families access information and the support they need.

The DPS Guide to Disability Support, is the first of its kind and has been released following extensive research.

Developed by South Australian-based multi-platform media company DPS Publishing, the print and online support guide offers location-specific information and is designed to inform and empower people with disability and their families.

The printed guides will be rolled out by state and territory, kicking off with the South Australia and Northern Territory (SA & NT) 2018 edition.

DPS Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mark Ogden says a lot of dedication, research and experience has gone into creating this new user-friendly guide, which he hopes will transform the journey many Australians with disability and their families are on by matching consumers with providers that best meet their needs.

He says that the company’s experience in producing the DPS Guide to Aged Care, for over 20 years has given them a “good foundation” to step into the disability sector.

“We have a trusted reputation among aged care for our Guides and we are aiming to continue that through with the DPS Guide to Disability Support,” Mr Ogden says.

This Australian-first Guide is all about empowering and informing people in need of disability support through the amalgamation of easy-to-read editorial content, real-life consumer stories, comprehensive provider information tables and much more.”

Mr Ogden says the Guide will play an important role in allowing consumers to be informed and prepared, at a time filled with uncertainty and confusion.

Rebekah Ewing, a South Australian mother to a son with autism, says the journey to finding the right disability support is overwhelming, but the DPS Guide to Disability Support will “make all the difference.”

“As a parent of someone with disability, I know the struggle to find the right supports,” she says.

She says she spent a lot of time researching online and on the phone to find where a support provider is located, what they offer and the costs involved.

“To have it all in one place across both print and online is just a fantastic idea.”

Barkuma, a not-for-profit South Australian-based organisation, helping people with disability find rewarding employment, learn new skills and enjoy participation in their communities, is one of the many providers looking forward to the release of the guide.

“We are very excited see Barkuma featured within the pages of the DPS Guide to Disability Support SA & NT 2018,” CEO Simon Rowberry says.

“It is a great opportunity for us to showcase the work we do for South Australians with disability and we hope it helps provide people with disability and their families with the knowledge they need to find the right supports for them.”

The printed Guides are available through local area coordinators, plan managers, hospital social work departments, councils, GP clinics, respite centres and state specific organisations within the disability sector.

The SA & NT 2018 edition is the first of six new state-specific disability guides to be launched.

The DPS Guide to Disability Support Victoria 2018 is next in line for release.

For more information on the Guides visit or call 1300 186 688. 

Head to the DPS Shop to grab yourself a copy. 

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