Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

A new mobile app created for the vision impaired community can now be accessed in Australia that will make it easier to... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

Supermarket giant Coles now offers a new shopping experience that’s easy on the eyes and ears, fit for people on the... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

Creating a space for expression while delivering a unique show has seen the Restless Dance Theatre continue to move in... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

If you thought dogs only offer joy and companionship to humans, think again. Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

More and more people are lodging complaints on the grounds of disability discrimination putting the issues back into the... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

Banking for the vision impaired has been made a little easier with the introduction of a new wave of debit and credit... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

Health industry experts believe Australians will soon have a greater access to vital rehab services with the rollout of... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

Catering for children of all abilities at playgrounds could become a nationwide trend with new standards being set by... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

A concept bringing employers and people with a disability together for a day could be another solution in reducing... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

A disability doesn’t only affect the person living with the condition, it also affects the people around them. Read more