Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

Catering for children of all abilities at playgrounds could become a nationwide trend with new standards being set by... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

A concept bringing employers and people with a disability together for a day could be another solution in reducing... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

A disability doesn’t only affect the person living with the condition, it also affects the people around them. Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

DPS Publishing has joined the conversation surrounding disability with the launch of two new online platforms and plans... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

No gold star has been branded on Australia’s education system with large number of children with disabilities reported... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

Four organisations have joined forces in a bid to pioneer a way to help people on the autism spectrum face challenges in... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

Australians living with a disability are more likely to be able to find work as organisations step up their efforts to... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

Mental health and disability initiatives in South Australia (SA) will be boosted by $41.5 million in funding over four... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

Education, discussions, and fun are just some of the things part of this year’s National Week of Deaf People... Read more

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

They do it for the love of it, and this week there is a recognition for the difference occupational therapists are... Read more