Health and Wellbeing

Tips and guides for taking care of your mental, psychical and emotional health when living a disability.

Health and wellbeing when living with disability

Looking after physical, mental and emotional health is important for everyone, so we’ve pulled together our resources on health and wellbeing for people with disability on this page.

The topics cover physical activity and eating healthily, information about mental health and how important it is to look after your mental health, as well as the supports you can access through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for health and daily living.

Scroll down the page to see what topics you can read about or use the jump to section to go directly to the articles you want to read.

Below the articles is a list of the types of providers that can help you with health services and wellbeing supports.

At the end of the page is a selection of other health care related articles from our website that you also might like to read.

Popular Health And Wellbeing Articles

A healthy diet is essential for good nutrition, a strong immune system, energy levels and overall wellbeing. If you’re finding it difficult to prepare balanced meals, understand nutritional information, develop and maintain health eating habits, or navigate eating impairments, you may be eligible for support under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Making healthy food choices can sometimes be tricky whether you are living with a disability or not. Motivation and a lack of support are really common barriers for people when it comes to making and maintaining healthy lifestyle choices. Senior dietitian at NDIS-registered health and disability support organisation Kinela, Jamil Tuazon, shares how food choices can impact our overall wellbeing as well as her top tips for healthy eating.

Australians of all ages, including people with disability, are encouraged to be active to stay healthy. Here are some tips for exercising with a disability.

An estimated 600,000 Australians live with severe and persistent mental illness of which approximately 64,000 will be eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Living with a physical or intellectual disability can affect many parts of your overall wellbeing, and mental health is no exception. Your mind is a powerful tool, so taking care of your mental and emotional wellbeing is just as important as looking after your physical health by exercising and eating well.

People with disability are at greater risk of developing a mental health condition than other members of their community and often find speaking out and seeking support difficult.

Hospital stays are more common for people with disability than for the general population of Australia, but receiving the best care while in hospital can be much more complicated, especially if you have complex needs.