Early Intervention

Use this page to get an overview of the options available to you.

Supports for children with disability

Early intervention supports are offered to children under the age of seven to set them up for success in life.

Under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) children do not have to have a formal diagnosis to receive funding for early intervention.

The idea behind this is that children are growing and developing at a quick pace and need support as soon as possible. It is also based on the idea that with early intervention children may not need the NDIS when they are older.

Use this page to get an overview of the options available to you. Scroll through the sections, or click one of the jump-to links below to go straight to the area mentioned.

At the end of the page is a list of the different providers that can help you and your child with early intervention support.

Popular Early Intervention Articles

If you have concerns about your child’s behaviour or development and your child is under seven years old you can access early intervention supports under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), even if there is no formal diagnosis of a disability. The articles below explain more about the NDIS and how to access early intervention supports under the Scheme.

Before meeting with your Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) partner to discuss your concerns about your child, there are a number of things you can do to prepare.

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For children living with autism, receiving the right kind of support gives them the opportunity to learn the skills they need to achieve and succeed in life. Read Jet’s story.

Andrea Christie-David, founder and Managing Director of family in-home care provider, Leor, and mother of three shares three top tips for parents accessing Early Childhood Early Intervention under the NDIS.